Videos – Voices of Tower Hamlets by Puru Miah

Gallery of all Voices of Tower Hamlets Videos by Cllr Puru Miah – see videos for descriptions.

Want to talk about COVID-19? Not camera shy? Get in touch!

Voices of Tower Hamlets came about, after being elected. Somewhere along the way I thought it will be a good idea to interview interesting voices in Tower Hamlets.

From activists for Palestine and against Apartheid South Africa, to a mother campaigning against the costs of school uniforms.

If you have an idea or an interesting campaign, and are not shy infront of a camera, get in touch.

If you have an interesting perspective on COVID-19 or Lockdown, let’s have chat.

Hey Guys! If your bored and have time on your hand?

Delve into the archive of my interviews with really interesting people of the East End.

Enjoy the videos.

Cllr Puru Miah
Mile End

[email protected]


Endz ✊?