If you think your school uniform is too expensive, below is a template letter that you can send to your school. Amend where necessary.

Dear (Name of Head Teacher),

We the parents/carers of children in your school feel that school uniforms are very expensive and the school’s uniform policy very restrictive. Life is hard enough with all the expenses that life throws our way. We do not need the extra financial burden of buying expensive school uniforms. Especially if you must buy for more than one child.

A school uniform teaches students to dress keenly and take pride in their appearance. Uniforms are meant to create a sense of equality among students. We can appreciate the value and necessity for school uniforms but ask that changes are made to make to make them more affordable.

According to figures, Tower Hamlets has the highest child poverty rates in the country. Households were deemed to be living in poverty if their income was less than 60pc of the median average, and poverty rates were calculated after housing costs.

According to the Children’s Society families spend on average £340 a year on secondary school uniform and £255 on the primary. It also said previously revealed that in a survey of 1,000 parents, nearly one in six families blamed school uniform costs for having to cut back on food and other basic essentials. What’s more, it is only optional for local authorities or academy trusts to provide financial aid and can “choose” to provide grants.

We ask that you look into the prices of your suppliers and shop around for the cheapest available options whilst still maintaining a good quality uniform.

We ask that you consider flexibility in your uniform policy. For example:

· Allow certain items such as a PE kit to be bought from the high street without the logo on it. (Cheaper alternatives available in highstreets & supermarkets)

· Rather than limiting the outer coat colour broaden to Darker Coats (Black, Blue, Grey)

· Make consideration on if it is really necessary to have the logo on every single item on the uniform list. For example, if the logo is on the polo t shit, it is covered up by the dress and cardigan or jumper. Also, do PE Kits really need a logo on it?

Please hear our concerns and let us know what actions you will be taking to ensure our concerns are heard and our complaints resolved.

Yours Sincerely,