By Email: [email protected]

Councillor James King

Head of Overview and Scrutiny

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

5 Clove Crescent, 

Poplar, London E14 1SA

Date: 14/12/2019

Dear James,

RE: Concerns regarding Cabinet Item 6.2 Review of the Community Language Service 

I want to raise concerns about the Cabinet Item 6.2 Review of the Community Language Service. It seems the report is deviating from the discussion the Lead Member and Officer had with members, where there was an overwhelming consensus for Option 1, rather than Option 3. 

Also, there was consensus, that the Community Language Service was a package of the cultural enrichment programme, aimed at reducing Child Poverty in Tower Hamlets, which has the highest Child Poverty rates in the UK. 

Option 1, would have increased the impact of the service with reduced resources. Maintaining the core of the service, while giving time to Council officers to find alternative funding from available grants.

Therefore, I would like you to ask the lead member what the reason is for moving to Option 3, a solution which is not sustainable. It seems like a short term political fix, to buy off providers, knowing full well that they will not be able to sustain the service or the quality. Which will result in the loss of a historic service forever from Tower Hamlets, a service that has been a vital anti-poverty measure, meeting various Council objectives and Outcomes? 

With Regards,

Cllr Puru Miah

Mile End