Letter sent to the Mayor and Labour councillors on an inclusive campaign to inform and educate members of the public on the committee system and to have it as per legislation on the ballot on any proposed referendum to abolish the Directly Elected Mayor.

True sign of democrats and democracy is to present all options, not just those that are convenient.

By Email: Mayor and Labour Councillors of Tower Hamlets

Dear Colleagues,

RE: Campaign to have the option of a Committee System in any proposed referendum to replace the Directly Elected Mayor in Tower Hamlets

I am writing to ask colleagues if they will join me in an inclusive public campaign, to inform and educate the public on the Committee System. In addition to also campaign to have the option of the Committee System, as per Parliamentary legislation, on the ballot on any proposed referendum. The local Labour Party policy is to campaign for a referendum to abolish the Mayoralty and not replace it with Leader and Cabinet, but to replace it with the Committee System. 

In the neighbouring borough of Newham, a Democracy Commission was established, looking at options. Deliberation and consultations that went on with the public, local party members and elected members. Conclusion after such deliberation was a decision for a referendum with the option of the Committee System. 

I and others were hoping to follow a similar process of deliberation and discussion, both with and outside the collective of Labour councillors. Therefore, it is unfortunate that a petition was launched allegedly by some elected members without any consultation. Therefore, forcing a guillotine on the process of deliberation and discussion. However, it is important such deliberation and discussion takes place. 

Tower Hamlets has one of the highest levels of inequalities in the country, to address such concentration of wealth in the hands of the few, we must also address the concentration of power within our politics. The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the consequences of such disparity of wealth and power. Tower Hamlets, despite having the youngest population, recorded over 10% of total deaths in London during the first wave. To put it in blunt terms, inequality kills. Its signifier being the trenches that were dug in local cemeteries to accommodate the dead from the borough.

To paraphrase the late Lord Hailsham, replacing one form of elective dictatorship (Directly Elected Mayor) with another (Leader and Cabinet) is a false choice in addressing such inequalities, therefore the full three options under the legislation should be presented to the electorate and require the inclusion of the Committee System on any proposed referendum ballot. 

True sign of democrats and democracy is to present all options, not just those that are convenient. 


Cllr Puru Miah

Mile End

P.S. Those interested in helping with the campaign please email me at my personal email address.