“If a man doesn’t have a job or an income, he has neither life nor liberty nor the possibility for the pursuit of happiness.”

Martin Luther King, Jr

On the ward all day today, speaking to stakeholders of the looming economic crisis. Many breadwinners in households have lost their jobs, with many reliant on food handouts. Speaking to local businesses about ideas as to how we can support the less fortunate in amongst our neighbours.

What the future holds no one knows, one thing for sure we are facing the biggest economic crisis since the great depression. I grew up in the 1980s, and saw first hand in the town I grew up the closure of factories, and the spectre of mass unemployment, the loss of secure well-paying jobs and the effect it had on families.

Its gonna be tough, but we will all have to do our bit.

As I ride home in the dusk, seeing the lights coming on in the streets, there are many lights being put out in many of the households in our neighbourhoods, we shall not see them lit for a long time.