With Paul Bloss and John Henderson at East End Homes offices 19th June 2018


On Tuesday 19th of June, I met up with Paul Bloss the CEO of East End Homes and the Director of Housing, John Henderson to put forward concerns raised by residents during the election campaign.

East End Homes is a local Registered Social Landlord (RSL), and one of the largest Landlords in Mile End Ward (they manage the housing stock on the Eric and Treby and Bede Estate). Therefore I met with Paul and John to discuss issues raised during the election campaign by residents :

Eric Estate:

  • ASB in the car park of Conniston House
  • ASB in the green space between Derwent and Conniston House
  • Temporary gates in Windermere House


Treby Estate:

  • ASB in the car park of Loweswater House
  • Open Spaces in the blocks on Treby, Eric and English Street


Bede Estate:

  • Feedback of residents in the light of recent incidents

Broad Themes of discussion

  • Idea of a temporary dispersal zone as a stop gap measure to head off anticipated incidents in the Summer
  • Proposed improvement and forthcoming planning applications
  • Enhanced youth provision
  • Investment in green spaces
  • Proposed summit of stakeholders to discuss solutions to increase ASB and better youth provision

The meeting was productive and and hopefully there will be positive future announcements, watch this space…