by Puru Miah | Jul 25, 2018 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Democracy
Our local schools are facing significant cuts in funding in real terms, putting pressure on school budgets and level of staffing. In particular SEND (Special Education Needs and Disabilities) funding is facing pressure, with rising demand and a cut in real terms...
by Puru Miah | Jul 8, 2018 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Community, Crime and Anti Social Behavior (ASB), Democracy, Housing
On Saturday the 23rd of June, I met up with Mayor John Biggs at the St. Paul’s Way, clean air day event. We both spoke to the attendees at the event, then we proceeded to walk to the town hall together to attend another meeting. I used the opportunity to discuss...
by Puru Miah | Jun 20, 2018 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Community, Crime and Anti Social Behavior (ASB), Housing
On Tuesday 19th of June, I met up with Paul Bloss the CEO of East End Homes and the Director of Housing, John Henderson to put forward concerns raised by residents during the election campaign. East End Homes is a local Registered Social Landlord (RSL), and one...
by Puru Miah | Jun 9, 2018 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Crime and Anti Social Behavior (ASB), Housing
Poplar HARCA is a local Registered Social Landlord (RSL), and one of the largest Landlords in Mile End Ward (they manage the housing stock on the Leopold and Burdett and West Lansbury Estate). Mile End Ward is important to Poplar HARCA, as it contains approximately...
by Puru Miah | Jun 3, 2018 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Community, Crime and Anti Social Behavior (ASB), Democracy, Housing
“Sometimes history needs a push”. Thanks! Still recovering from the Election. Belated thanks to you all for helping me win to become the Labour Councillor for Mile End. Apologies for the delayed blog message, as am still recovering from a lingering chest...
by Puru Miah | Dec 4, 2017 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Crime and Anti Social Behavior (ASB), Housing
On Saturday 2nd December 2017 I went out canvassing with my colleagues Cllr David Edgar and Asma Islam. We went to Wentworth Mews in between Eric Street and Burdett Road. There we discussed with residents the intolerable Anti Social Behavior (ASB) residents faced in...
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