by Puru Miah | Aug 6, 2022 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Community, Crime and Anti Social Behavior (ASB), Democracy
A look at The Aspire Plan, the Strategic Plan for Tower Hamlets Council. A Developers Charter. With no full Equality Impact Assessment carried out. Increasing inequality and social cleansing in the East End. Once upon a time at Tower Hamlets Council, The Aspire Plan...
by Puru Miah | Aug 6, 2021 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Community, Crime and Anti Social Behavior (ASB), Democracy
An analysis of the process and outcomes around the trial and acquittal of Apsana Begum. Pointing to fundamental structural problems which go to the heart of governance in Tower Hamlets Council. Meltdown at Tower Hamlets Council “Remember, it’s a sin to...
by Puru Miah | Jul 13, 2019 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Community, Crime and Anti Social Behavior (ASB), Democracy
Videos have been circulating on social media of an alleged case of police brutality against the father of a disabled child, known as the ‘July 9th Incident’. Statistics collected by the police show that this is not an isolated with a three time increase of violence...
by Puru Miah | May 29, 2019 | Community, Crime and Anti Social Behavior (ASB), Democracy
Why I will not be attending public events on the issue before the funeral It is a sign of the times and the state of politics in Tower Hamlets that I am having to make this statement. The stabbing and death of a young man in St. Paul’s Way is a loss not just for...
by Puru Miah | Mar 28, 2019 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Community, Crime and Anti Social Behavior (ASB)
ASB has been a rising issue in Mile End Ward, recent stabbings and shootings on the ward has caused a lot of concerns among residents. Below is a guide for residents and all concerned. Part 1 giving an overall picture of the present. List of of ASB matters mentioned...
by Puru Miah | Dec 18, 2018 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Crime and Anti Social Behavior (ASB)
Residents have contacted me on various occasions with regards to ongoing ASB issues on Gough Walk. I have followed up these complaints through follow up conversations with residents, communications with the Landlord (Poplar HARCA) and personal site visits to...
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