To Volunteer please text across your details, days available, and whether you can help during lunch or evening. Central Number – 07930 983651

Burdett Estate Ramadan Iftar Project

Salaam All,

We hope this message reaches you in the best state of health, emaan and pray that you and your family members are all well In’Sha’Allah.

For the blessed month of Ramadan, we will be providing Iftar to those families who request it for the entire month on the estate. Due to current lockdown measures our volunteers will be donating their time and efforts by delivering to local households for the month of Ramadan.

We are seeking volunteers to come and support in this great noble cause and spare a few hours whenever you can to help distribute Iftar to those in need.

This will be a highly rewarding thing to participate in.

All templates are below.

To Volunteer please send across the volunteer registration template below.

To Request Iftar for a certain day please fill in template and send across to central line number.

Central Number
07930 983651

For more info contact:
Kamal Burdett Masjid

Masoom Burdett FC

Burdett Estate COVID-19 Team in co-ordination with the Burdett Estate Masjid