by Puru Miah | Jan 10, 2024 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Community, Democracy
In this piece, I will be addressing the controversy surrounding the flying of the Palestinian flag in Tower Hamlets, the arguments against the flags, and finally why they should be allowed to fly. The Controversy Statement issued on social media by the Tower Hamlets...
by Puru Miah | Oct 24, 2023 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Community, Democracy
A brief analysis of Tower Hamlets Labour’s unsympathetic position on Palestine. Consistent with its recent history on the issue of the Palestinian people and with an exploration of why? NOTE: The article is in response to a public statement made by the Tower Hamlets...
by Puru Miah | Sep 24, 2023 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Democracy
Unpicking the images of the mountains of rubbish appearing on social media in Tower Hamlets? What do they tell us? Something more worrying than the average pay dispute. Introducing the Rubbish Pile Wars of the East End In the wake of the Liveable Streets War’s...
by Puru Miah | Sep 17, 2023 | Blog: All Things Mile End, All Things Tower Hamlets, Community, Democracy, Housing
As the cost of living crisis deepens, more and more families find themselves on the housing list. What can Tower Hamlets do? No extra costs and meet the housing targets? Read on. Social Media Wars: Where are the new Council-owned housing in Tower Hamlets? A brief...
by Puru Miah | Jul 27, 2023 | Community, Democracy
A Personal Journey of Exploration of the “Bengal Renaissance”, and Beyond the Established Binaries, are often expressed when it comes to South Asian History and Heritage. With suggested reading material at the end. Introducing South Asian Heritage Month (SAHM) South...
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