By Email: [email protected]
Subject: Rerun the Hackney to Canary Wharf Cycle Route Consultation Outside of Ramadan
I am objecting to the proposed Cycle Route between Hackney and Canary Wharf and ask for the consultation to be rerun again so that residents and organisations from the Muslim Community can participate fully in the consultation process.
London has a proud history of being one of the most diverse and multicultural city in the world, with the London Borough of Tower Hamlets being one its most diverse Borough. Therefore there is an expectation that public authorities like Transport for London to be representative with regards to the above diversity and reflective in its decision making.
Therefore it saddens me that, I am writing to you to express concerns raised by residents, with regards to alleged discrimination towards BAME residents, with regards to the consultation, in particular Muslim residents. Many have expressed concerns to me as to why the consultation is being held in the middle of Ramadan, therefore preventing Muslim residents from fully participating in the consultation process. Ramadan is and the period immediately after Ramadan is a festive period, and therefore many feel the putting the consultation period in the middle of Ramadan (like putting the Consultation Period in the middle of the Christmas Break), is deliberately designed to prevent Muslim residents, and organisations that cater towards the Muslim community from participating in the process, as many of such organisations will need time to organise and ascertain views from their members. As a multicultural city with a Muslim mayor, it beggars belief that such poor decisions are being made.
First, Tower Hamlets as a Borough has the largest and oldest Muslim community in the whole of Europe, second, faith is a protective characteristics under the Equalities Act.The Act protects people against discrimination, harassment or victimisation in employment, and as users of private and public services based on nine protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. Third, Transport for London as a Public Authority has as Public Sector Duty towards the Equalities Act. Fourth, the new All Party Parliamentary Group definition of Islamophobia, adopted recently by Tower Hamlets Council, defines Islamophobia as racialized discrimination.
In light of the above point, can I please get an undertaking that the consultation will be run again, so as to allow Muslim residents to fully participate in the Consultation. Second, that as per Macpherson principle, first established in the Stephen Lawrence inquiry into Institutional Racism in the Metropolitan Police, the above should be investigated as a racist incident, and please can you tell me the process and outcome of such investigation. This email has been copied into Tower Hamlets Council, and I ask the Council to investigate the matter as a racist incident.
We understand that the public consultation portal will still close as planned on Friday 21 June 2019 and we would urge people to respond through the portal by that date. However, if you are unable to do this we will accept emailed consultation responses via [email protected] up to the end of Friday 5 July. However, that is still not enough time and we want the consultation to be rerun, as many residents take time off to enjoy the Eid Holidays, as a matter of principle and be investigated as a racist incident.
Anticipating your reply.
With Regards,
[emailpetition id=”1″]
Another bad idea by TFL who do not drive, who sit in there posh office and make those bad decisions.
We don’t mind to have cycle lane . I do my self but not through the Burdett Road . Please make it inside the park
I believe this decision made by the Tfl was wrong one, there is no right turn at the mile end junction it is very difficult for the local people to make a right turn specially for the residents of the area, can this be looked into place
We need our parking space and cycle route could be beside the park or canal side please .
This decision is totally wrong
The amount of road closures in the area will severely restrict the free movement of all residents along the route, particularly for those residents where the cycle superhighway goes from one lane to TWO LANES from Bow Common Lane down to East India Dock Road.
Furthermore introducing a 24-7 bus lane on the south to north route of Burdett Road will squeeze and restrict the traffic and thus slow it down even more, with the consequences being reduced air quality, not better air quality!
Finally two lanes on one side of the road is a recipe for disaster. There are so many pedestrians knocked over by cyclists it shows these types of lane designs are dangerous.
Why are we allowing TfL to placate the few and affect the many whereby cyclists will use it for 2 hours morning and 2 hours every evening but the residents are affected 24 hours a day every day of the year.
The amount of road closures in the area will severely restrict the free movement of all residents along the route, particularly for those residents where the cycle superhighway goes from one lane to TWO LANES from Bow Common Lane down to East India Dock Road.
Furthermore introducing a 24-7 bus lane on the south to north route of Burdett Road will squeeze and restrict the traffic and thus slow it down even more, with the consequences being reduced air quality, not better air quality!
Finally two lanes on one side of the road is a recipe for disaster. There are so many pedestrians knocked over by cyclists it shows these types of lane designs are dangerous.
Why are we allowing TfL to placate the few and affect the many whereby cyclists will use it for 2 hours morning and 2 hours every evening but the residents are affected 24 hours a day every day of the year.
I agree with the cycle lane. We have too many crazy drivers in Tower Hamlets. I am a cyclist and a car owner. The transport links in Tower Hamlets is one of the best in London, Bus/Tube/DLR/Overground etc we should be supporting TFL more. We have too many unhealthy take-away outlet in Tower Hamlets the parks and all things relating to healthy living will get my vote. Most of the Boris Bike terminals in and around Tower Hamlets are always empty or with very few bikes, which proves that the Tower Hamlets locals consciously or unconsciously see the bikes as a good thing with the residents. Tower Hamlets council have the largest number of Muslim Councillors on it’s council it must surely be the responsibility of those councillors to ensure the Muslim Community receive the same information as other two thirds of the population within the Tower Hamlets. I agree with you that everyone should be informed fairly with enough time to digest people participate to new ideas, however I do not agree that race or religion should be used as a bribe to reinstate this consultation. Ramadan is correct me if I’m wrong a period of deep spiritual reflection and fasting but most Muslims I know still work during Ramadan. I am from an ethnic background and see no problem with the way the consultation was handled. I also strongly disagree with your idea that TRA’s should be used as a platform to collate information for the council. Certainly not in its current form. I strong believe TRA’s should only be taken seriously if you have a wide cross section of people on its board. From young/old/homeowner/council or association resident/ unemployed and the employed with an absolute a cross section of cultures, Black/White/Muslim/etc with a minimum of seven member on each TRA committee there is enough room to accommodate all nationalities from all backgrounds The TRA’s handbook is adhere to as a strict rule i.e. Chairman and Treasurer stepping down after three years. Most TRA’s in Tower Hamlets have 10-15 people maximum in attendance, not a blip on the 307 thousand residents currently in Tower Hamlets! Furthermore not all the neighbourhoods in Tower Hamlets have a TRA meaning wherever no accuracy would come from them. There are many things that residents don’t agree with in Tower Hamlets but the key to tackling problems in Tower Hamlets is to be totally inclusive right across the board with everyone. I have already give my vote to TH council to extend the Cycle route from Hackney to Canary Wharf with will also sent a copy of this email to Tower Hamlets Council.