Mile End Update 03.08.2019

Dear Residents,

1. To call or not to call in?

People have been in touch with me, expressing disappointment in the recent Cabinet decision, with regards to council grants to community organisations. 

Am discussing with groups and other councillors whether to call in the decision as per council constitution. Below is a link to a statement by the Mayor:

*2. Decision by Tower Hamlets Council to refuse to host Palestine Solidarity Event*

Below is an article by Guardian, outlining the incident by Tower Hamlets Council in refusing to host a Palestine Solidarity Event.

I and other Cllrs have raised questions.

In the meantime, the Tower Hamlets Paslestine Solidarity Campaign will launch a petition, explaining the issues, with action. The petition will be launched soon. 

Will update everyone, please support the petition by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

Cllr Puru Miah

Mile End



[email protected]